Monday, June 6, 2011

The happy camper...

Went hiking in the Sierra Mountains the other day. Interestingly enough my backpack was heavier when I came back than when I had started. I had found to my surprise a trail from some animals was hard to miss. I had found many pieces of garbage from people who didn't pack it out. All I can do  is shake my head....

Also first law.... where your neighbor is, you are

The law of oneness. You wouldn't think of shooting yourself in the foot so why would anyone think of shooting someone in a house of your own making. So by my way of thinking what happens to others also happens to us all. If I do something to bring up my friend I bring up myself as well. It's very simple logic to extrapolate that a society is only as good as how it treats the least of it's citizens. Hence the idea of ''do unto others as you would have them do unto you''. This  idea is the first step. It's the second step that really gets us to where we need to go. I and many others believe to take it one step further,'' to treat others how you believe that your higher power would treat them''. Good luck to all of us, for we are all on a journey to the top of the mountain by which there are many paths.